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Welcome to the Age of Innovation

Welcome to the Age of Innovation

Innovation Ideas
Technology and its innumerable applications made one thing crystal clear in our world today: Constant change is a necessity and should always be desirable. It’s the creative force that can lift us to new heights or throw us back to the ground. And like every beast change needs a bridle and that is innovation management.
Businesses nowadays have to reinvent and discover new mission statements and functions able to keep up with the furious information gallop. And that can only happen with the addition of innovation to their strategic implementations.
Innovation is vital. Like any new, young concept it needs constant attention and nurturing. It knows no boundaries and respects only the special ones, spanning from the top to the bottom of a business corporation.
Innovation requires plenty of room for experimentation. Experimentation means mistakes and failures, invaluable tools to the learning process. Whether a happy accident or the product of many, arduous, previous failed actions, invention needs the nervous hand of innovation.
Innovation thrives in diversity. It can only be described as the crazy, unorthodox marriage of different social groups and ideas that eventually leads to success.
Welcome to the virtual workplace area. We are all digital players of the same game. The thing is there are still two basic players missing… Women and seniors. Women leadership should not only be encouraged but required since more and more researches show that innovation feels more comfortable when socializing with women.
Social APPs bring the bacon home. Aesthetics and user friendly software are pivotal. We eat with our eyes first and we want to do it the easiest way possible.
Don’t look up in the sky. Innovation hides in the details. Turn the tiniest gear of a machine, change a punctuation point to a script and enjoy mind-blowing results.
As previously stated, innovation is relatively new and hasn’t been fully defined yet. As such, it can be capricious and disobedient. The main challenge businesses face is how to channel and filter innovation. The future of them lies in coming up with the correct team structures able to accept, work on and deliver a project within the hierarchy of a corporation.
It goes without saying that since innovation starts from within, it needs a fully engaged, satisfied, inspired, daring workforce to blossom.
Innovation delivers excellence and needs to get implemented in our consciousness from a very young age, meaning an educational system that celebrates, fosters and rewards innovation.
To read full article, click here.


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