Zillable Brings the Collaborative Economy inside Businesses with its Innovation-on-Demand Platform

LOS ANGELES, CA – Zillable™ announced today that its secured private collaboration network platform is now available to organizations and teams at Zillable.com. This release follows in the heels of Zillable’s public collaboration network release and completes Zillable’s vision of a truly social and collaborative ecosystem inside and outside the enterprise, providing opportunities for companies to engage and innovate not only with employees, but customers, partners and the crowd.
With the official launch of private collaboration network, coupled by its robust public innovation-on-demand platform, Zillable disrupts social media and the collaborative economy, inspiring innovators from around the world to defy status quo and unlock themselves from the limitations and restrictions of traditional networks and tools.
“We’ve extended the promise of the sharing economy into the enterprise, allowing organizations and businesses to create their very own global, private collaboration networks that increase workplace efficiency and streamline the way employees brainstorm, network, and work towards innovation,” said founder and CEO Andy Pham. “We’ve created a platform for enterprises to accelerate innovation, foster true workplace collaboration, and engage customers and partners in co-creation, resulting in operational excellence to drive business success.”
Zillable’s secured enterprise solution helps businesses solve problems and improve operational excellence and efficiency by making workplace collaboration easier and employees more productive. Zillable provides employees an easy and intuitive way to share their ideas and make their voices heard, improving employee engagement.
“When employees feel engaged, empowered, and are given opportunities to openly collaborate, they become the engine for above-market growth,” states Andy. “And your customers are happier.”
Zillable’s enterprise solution features a disruptive collaboration and communication system, designed exclusively for employees, corporations, and organizations. The Zillable platform effectively merges social media with collaboration workspaces, creating a robust networking engine that transcends what we know today as the social and sharing economy.
Traditional enterprise solutions, such as email or conference calls, do not provide true open workplace collaboration or are limited by time differences. Zillable eliminates those barriers, providing an innovative network where employees can creatively and dynamically connect, innovate, imagine, and collaborate to ensure that their thoughts and ideas can flourish.
“Today’s global workforce can’t be constrained by the limitations of conference calls, corporate emails or video conferences,” Andy said. “Zillable empowers employees to create and innovate whenever and wherever they need – not just when it fits into someone else’s schedule.”
The open nature of Zillable encourages diversity in the thought process, building upon experiences, creativity, and entrepreneurial success (and learning lessons) of individuals around the world.
Build a better tomorrow with Zillable.


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